I wish healing, health and happiness for all souls on this planet. Healing can be a scary word – it means facing up to the difficult energy in our lives, and we may feel that we are not equipped to deal with all of it. Getting help and support for your healing journey can be transformational. I myself have had many breakthroughs thanks to various professionals and training programmes. Now I am learning to nurture my own healing at my own pace, but my healing journey has been transformed by the tools below. For a full list of my mental wellbeing bite sized sessions, check out my Wellbeing Treats page.


Clearing my mind of mental pollution and learning to hear or feel my intuition, guidance from my Higher Self.

Mental Wellbeing Practices

Using my 3 keys to mental wellbeing, Self-Awareness, Self Kindness and Self-Nourishment.

Spiritual Practices

Generating the best energy for myself by focusing my mind on divine qualities, such as kindness, compassion, peace, gratitude, love, forgiveness, healing and more.

Tao Hands Blessings

With its roots in traditional Chinese medicine, this unique spiritual transmission carries a very high frequency field of divine Oneness energy. People all over the world have experienced the healing power of these blessings in transforming all aspects of life.

This energy infuses the cells of our physical, mental and spiritual being, and transmutes negative ‘messages’ into positive ‘messages’ – I myself and the clients I have worked with so far have all felt the peaceful power of this energy. Receiving a Tao Hands Blessing is a very special experience. We will start with a brief chat about the area of your life you would like to transform, and then you will be welcome to connect with any higher beings you believe in, to ask them support the process. You can then relax and receive the blessing, or meditate on the area you would like to transform using your own techniques, or practices that I will offer you.

Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page, and bear in mind that some things require more work than others. It is also important to note that we each have a responsibility to continue our own healing by consciously striving to bring more goodness into our lives as best we can. If you would like to learn about the Yin and Yang of Self-Kindness, you can do so during a Mental Wellbeing Mentoring session (see below). You can read more about Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha, who created the Tao Academy, where I trained as a Tao Hands Practitioner.

It is my mission in life to help others become happier and healthier, and I am grateful to have the above tools to help me do so, along with a deeply open heart and desire to help people learn to heal themselves. In a healing session, I may use one, or even all of the tools, depending on what feels right for you, the client, and what I feel guided to offer. If you would like to start your week off by filling your energy with divine goodness and nourishment, please come along to my free Divine Energy Practice, Mondays at 8.30am – 9.00am GMT. Please email me for the link, or if you’d like to discuss or book any of the services below.


Tao Hands Blessing (15 minutes)£30

Personalised Singing Waterfall of Light (15 minutes)£18

After a brief discussion of the energy you wish to surround yourself with, I will attune myself to Source Energy and sing my Soul Song to cascade a Waterfall of good vibrations over you!

Personal Energy Igniter Writing Session (Single Session – 90 mins, Packages Available) – £85

After an attunement exercise, we will explore the multidimensional things that make you come alive through playful and creative activities and visualisations, and begin to produce a piece of highly personalised writing that reflects even a fraction of your unique magnificence! Due to the limitless nature of the human soul, I recommend a series of at least 5 sessions to begin to encapsulate the layers of light within you. Packages available upon request. Click here for further details of Energy Igniter Writing.

Mental Wellbeing Mentoring Session (30mins) £36

Includes a discussion of your needs, a 10 minute guided meditation and 2 take-away practices.

Mental Wellbeing Mentoring Session (55mins) – £65

Includes a discussion of your needs, 2 x 10 minute guided meditations and 3 take-away practices.

Intuitive Mental Wellbeing Mentoring Session (30mins) – £36

Includes a discussion of your needs, a 10 minute guided meditation and 2 take-away practices.

Intuitive Mental Wellbeing Mentoring Session (55mins) – £65

Includes a discussion of your needs, 2 x 10 minute guided meditations and 3 take-away practices.

An additional Tao Hands Blessing of 10-15 minutes can be added to any of the above for £18.

Disclaimer: Please note that while I know that these techniques have worked for me, they may not be suitable for everyone. I am not medically trained, nor do I offer medical advice, so if you do engage in my services you are acknowledging this and agree to take responsibility for continuing with any medical treatment or advice that you have been given or are given in future.

Dear Universe, let this page be seen by those who need my services, and let our transactions bring blessings for the Highest Good. Thank You.