The Yang Within Her
by Sarit Gafan ©May 2020
With poise
She strides by my side, head held high
Even when mine is
And these judgements, she asks
With outstretched claws
What would you have me do with them?
And as I am still learning, I simply say
Leave them be
Leave them be?
To burn a hole in your heart?
To weigh you down on your path and steer you with
My feet stop.
Her paws…pause
Oh, I say
Shall I rip them to invisible shreds?
That is what one does with untruth
I smile and breathe in an infusion of peace
Feeling her inner smile open like a flower
As her eyes close and her head bows gently, her guard now at ease
Yes, she breathes, yes
And this self-doubt
What would you have me do with it?
Leave it be, it is of no consequence
The air vanishes
She halts
Her eyes blazing raw power
Yet I feel only love and strength from her
She digs deeps inside her, transmuting her fire into a light
That will
Every self-doubting thought is an insult to your divinity
And leads you down a path of suffering
That is NOT why you are here
And I am NOT here to walk by your side and watch you lose yourself
I am here to remind you
Every day
Of your magnificent light
Until YOU
Remind ME
She knows the tears in my eyes and the tears in my heart
The battle scars
And lays down beneath a tree
Her heart inviting me to take shelter in the fortress of her understanding
I curl up beside her
The compassionate lioness soothing her infant warrior
Resting my head on her heart
We breathe as one in the tonic silence
My strength breaking out of its longsuffering prison
She whispers
Then I know
That she is the one
The one standing guard over my beautiful heart
Until the day it transforms
Into pure Divine Light.

by Sarit Gafan ©
I am.
I am Sarit.
I am no longer my bank balance
I am no longer my job (I don’t have a job!)
I am no longer the thoughts in my head, the feelings in my heart, nor the blah blah blah
I am. I am Sarit. And THIS Sarit is more than ALL of that, and I always have been
I am more than the ‘things’ and ‘stuff’ that I have and do not have, and I am more than the books on my shelf, especially the ones that I haven’t read
I am more than the pieces of paper that say “I did this”
And I am more than the doors that they open and do not open
I am more than the academic demons that I have now transmuted into a 2:1!
I have a PhD in Saritology!
I am more than my tears
and the pain that evoked them
I am not defined by the opinions or behaviour of others
I am more than the words I say and the actions I take.
I am more than the imprint I make on the world, the energy I bring and the song that I sing.
I am more than all the hugs I’ve given. And that’s a lotta hugs.
Love of myself. Love of you. Love of the wind, the trees, the mountains, the animals, the crystals. The whole WORLD!
But I am even more than that. Because I am energy. And every day I grow.
And every day I project more love and more peace and more harmony.
And more light
And you can’t catch light in a net. Or put it on a wall. Or give it a certificate. Or take it out of a cash machine
I am a Divine force to be reckoned with and I am full of Gratitude
I am no longer my history of ‘Not good enough’, of procrastination and silent judges
I am no longer interested in holding myself back, consciously or unconsciously, because I am a Compassionate LIONess
The measure of a person is not how they stand in times of challenge – I beg to differ
I CANNOT be measured because I AM PRICELESS
And so are you!

The Imperfect Start
Lay down your arms
And kneel at your own feet
Head bowed
In compassion and respect
Step away from expectation
Turn your back on the lies
The tortuous temptations and taunts
Unyoke yourself, my love
From the weight of comparison
And b r
e a t
h e
So that You
And only
Can walk
Hand in hand
And YOUR WORDS alone
In a parade of light
It is your words alone that can
The light in your heart
And forge it into wonder
The match
That lights the candle
And illuminates your message to the world
When you melt those damn chains
That keep your page so pale
When your desire to simply live
And live simply
To be
Becomes greater than the demons keeping watch
Over those blank pages
You see You
And only You.

Kindness 360
Start your day with kindness
Give it to yourself
Because filling up your cup
Is amazing for your health
Kind thoughts in the morning
Will fill your energy
With love and good intentions
Of who you want to be
With kindness flowing through you
You can lend a helping hand
To people facing battles
That you may not understand
Be kind from the inside out!